Simple Games and Applications

I started to self-learn programming from the age of 13. Back then, I used Visual Basic for designing simple games and applications. Having the ability to create, I opened a world full of amazement. Not only did more and more ideas came to me, I actually relatively improved my logic thinking and mathematics. I started to use C language and app designing for developing projects from the age of 15. Here are some of the simple games and programs which I have made in my leisure time.


A simple game at my initial stages of programming using Visual Basic.
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Mini Projects from School

It’s not just about the grades. Mostly, it’s about the inspiration, the potential of knowledge that deeply impresses. I have individually and cooperatively created several projects in school. Here are some mini projects that have once motivated me to keep on exploring and discovering.


Integrated Circuit Design

Biochemistry and Chemical Engineering

CAD Drawing and Plotting

Website Production

HSNU Graduation Ceremony Website

After being approved for entering my department (NTU BIME) in university, I joined the graduation ceremony group in my high school (HSNU).

I act as one leader among the three leaders in the network group. The objective of this group is to construct the graduation ceremony website.

My main responsibility is to collect information from other groups (e.g. public relationship group, ceremony group…) and to organize them, where the other two leaders use these data to construct the website.

In my view, this is by far the website with the most abundant resources and exquisite design among all other graduation ceremony websites in our high school.

Here’s a link to the website:

Figure 1. A snapshot of the graduation ceremony website.

Intelligent Bio-Sensing Lab Website

After graduating from graduate school in NTU, I worked as research assistant in my lab (intelligent bio-sensing lab, IBSLAB) led by professor Lin-Chi-Chen. During this period, I constructed the lab website using Wix.

Here’s a link to the website:

Figure 2. A snapshot of intelligent bio-sensing lab website.

Personal Website

Having the experience of constructing the two previous public websites and developing some website-based control systems (e.g. Automated Microfluidic Controlling Platform, Real-time Impedance Detection Systems), I started to write this personal website using the previous experience and knowledge I have obtained.

For construction of the website, I bought the” using Namecheap. Then, I used SiteGround as the web hosting platform, and connected the server to my domain. At last, I used WordPress as the content management system for my website.

For webpage design, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP are used as the coding language; jQuery is used for Ajax calling; Masonry is used for grid layout display; MathJax is used for equation expressions; and other additional plugins are installed for realizing several features.

Figure 3. A snapshot of my personal website.